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Internationally qualified advisors specialised in valuations, covering areas of London, Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire and the Midlands.

Our Valuations Services

Valuations for Mergers and acquisitions

  • Buy and sell side valuations 
  • Fairness opinions
  • Valuing High-Growth Start-ups

Valuations for Financial reporting

  • Goodwill Impairment Testing:
  • Purchase Price Allocation (PPA)
  • Stock Option Valuation

Valuating for Tax Purposes

  • Estate and Gift Tax Valuations
  • Tax Compliance on Mergers and acquisitions
  • IHT and CGT Compliance Valuations

Valuation for Litigation Support

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Our Valuation Methodologies

We employ a range of sophisticated valuation methodologies to provide a comprehensive and defensible valuation of your business: 


Income Approach

This method involves evaluating the business’s ability to generate future cash flows, which are then discounted to their present value. This approach is particularly useful for businesses with consistent earnings and growth potential.


Market Approach

By comparing your business to similar businesses that have been recently sold, we can provide a market-based valuation. This approach considers industry trends, market conditions, and comparable transactions.


Asset-Based Approach

This method assesses the company’s net asset value by calculating the fair market value of its assets and liabilities. It’s particularly relevant for asset-intensive businesses.


Venture Capital (VC) Method

Commonly used for early-stage startups, this method estimates the post-money valuation by considering expected returns and exit strategy.


Partners  Valuations

At November Partners Valuations, we specialise in providing accurate, comprehensive, and confidential business valuation services. Whether you're considering selling your business, planning an acquisition, or need a valuation for tax or legal purposes, our team of experienced professionals is here to guide you through the process. We deliver insightful analysis to help you understand the true worth of your business.

November Partners is a leading provider of business valuation services, dedicated to helping business owners and investors understand the true value of their enterprises. With over 20 years of experience in the industry, our experts bring a wealth of knowledge and a meticulous approach to every valuation project. We pride ourselves on our integrity, accuracy, and commitment to client satisfaction.

Our team consists of certified valuation analysts, financial experts, and industry specialists who are dedicated to delivering exceptional service. We continually update our methodologies and stay abreast of industry trends to ensure our valuations are based on the most current data and standards.


Valuation for Mergers & Acquisitions: Navigating the complexities of mergers and acquisitions requires precise and reliable valuation services. Our experts provide:

  • Buy and sell side independent valuations
  • Fairness Opinions: Independent assessments to ensure the fairness of transaction terms

Our services help both buyers and sellers achieve successful transactions with confidence.

Valuations for Financial Reporting: Accurate financial reporting is crucial for compliance and transparency. We provide valuations for:

  • Goodwill Impairment Testing: Assessing the value of goodwill and identifying any impairment.
  • Purchase Price Allocation (PPA): Allocating the purchase price among the acquired assets and liabilities in compliance with accounting standards.
  • Stock Option Valuation: Valuing stock options and other equity-based compensation accurately.

Our reports comply with relevant accounting standards, ensuring they meet the needs of auditors and regulatory bodies.

Valuation for Estate Planning & Gifting

Effective estate planning and gifting strategies require precise valuations. We assist with:

  • Estate Tax Valuations: Valuing business interests for estate tax purposes to ensure compliance and optimise tax outcomes.
  • Gift Valuations: Providing valuations for gifting purposes, including family transfers and charitable donations.
  • Succession Planning: Helping business owners plan for future leadership transitions with accurate business valuations.

Our services enable clients to plan their estates and gifts strategically, minimising tax liabilities and ensuring smooth transitions.

Litigation Support & Expert Witness Services: Legal disputes involving business valuation require expert analysis and testimony. Our services include:

  • Expert Witness Testimony: Providing credible and defensible valuation testimony in court.
  • Valuation Disputes: Assisting in disputes related to shareholder disagreements, divorce settlements, and contractual disagreements.
  • Economic Damages Analysis: Quantifying financial losses for litigation purposes

Our expertise and objective analysis support clients and their legal teams in achieving favourable outcomes.

Exit Planning & Business Transition: Planning an exit strategy is crucial for maximising the value of your business. Our exit planning services include:

  • Business Valuation: Establishing a baseline value to inform exit strategy decisions.
  • Strategic Planning: Advising on steps to enhance business value before sale.
  • Market Readiness Assessment: Evaluating market conditions and preparing the business for sale.

We help business owners plan and execute successful exits, ensuring they achieve their financial goals.

How We Can Help

Fundraising and Investment: Understanding your startup’s valuation is critical when seeking investment. We provide valuations that help you negotiate favorable terms with investors and secure the funding needed for growth.

Mergers and Acquisitions: If you’re considering merging with or acquiring another company, our valuation services ensure you understand the true value of both entities, facilitating informed decision-making and successful transactions.

Strategic Planning: A robust valuation provides a solid foundation for strategic planning. Whether you’re setting growth targets, planning market entry, or exploring new opportunities, our valuations offer the insights needed to make strategic decisions.

Exit Strategy: Planning an exit strategy? We help you prepare for an IPO, acquisition, or sale by providing a realistic valuation that maximizes your return.

    Why Choose November Partners Valuations?

    Expertise in High-Growth Startups: Our team has extensive experience in valuing startups across various industries, including technology, biotech, fintech, and more. We understand the unique challenges high-growth businesses face and provide tailored valuation services to meet those needs.

    Holistic Approach: We take a comprehensive view of your startup, considering qualitative factors such as the strength of the management team, strategic partnerships, and market positioning alongside quantitative data. This holistic approach ensures a more accurate and realistic valuation.

    Investor-Friendly Reports: Our valuation reports are designed to meet the rigorous standards of potential investors, venture capitalists, and regulatory bodies. We provide clear, detailed, and defensible valuations that stand up to scrutiny.

    Confidentiality and Integrity: We handle all client information with the utmost confidentiality and integrity. You can trust us to deliver unbiased valuations that reflect the true potential of your startup.


    Valuing a Startup High-Growth Business

    Unlock the True Potential of Your Startup

    Startups, particularly those in high-growth phases, present unique challenges and opportunities when it comes to valuation. At November Partners Valuations, we specialise in understanding and valuing these dynamic enterprises. Whether you’re seeking investment, planning a sale, or preparing for an IPO, our expert valuation services will help you understand your startup’s worth and make informed decisions.

    Understanding Startup Valuation

    Valuing a startup, especially a high-growth one, requires a nuanced approach that goes beyond traditional valuation methods. Startups often lack the historical financial data and stability of established businesses, making standard valuation techniques less effective. Our approach integrates:

    • Market Potential: Assessing the addressable market size and the startup’s potential for capturing significant market share.
    • Revenue Projections: Analysing projected revenue growth based on realistic assumptions and market conditions.
    • Scalability: Evaluating the business model’s ability to scale rapidly and sustainably.
    • Competitive Landscape: Understanding the competitive environment and the startup’s unique value proposition.
    • Innovation and Technology: Valuing proprietary technology, intellectual property, and the innovative aspects that drive the startup’s growth.

    How We Can Help

    Fundraising and Investment: Understanding your startup’s valuation is critical when seeking investment. We provide valuations that help you negotiate favorable terms with investors and secure the funding needed for growth.

    Mergers and Acquisitions: If you’re considering merging with or acquiring another company, our valuation services ensure you understand the true value of both entities, facilitating informed decision-making and successful transactions.

    Strategic Planning: A robust valuation provides a solid foundation for strategic planning. Whether you’re setting growth targets, planning market entry, or exploring new opportunities, our valuations offer the insights needed to make strategic decisions.

    Exit Strategy: Planning an exit strategy? We help you prepare for an IPO, acquisition, or sale by providing a realistic valuation that maximizes your return.

      Why Choose November Partners Valuations?

      Expertise in High-Growth Startups: Our team has extensive experience in valuing startups across various industries, including technology, biotech, fintech, and more. We understand the unique challenges high-growth businesses face and provide tailored valuation services to meet those needs.

      Holistic Approach: We take a comprehensive view of your startup, considering qualitative factors such as the strength of the management team, strategic partnerships, and market positioning alongside quantitative data. This holistic approach ensures a more accurate and realistic valuation.

      Investor-Friendly Reports: Our valuation reports are designed to meet the rigorous standards of potential investors, venture capitalists, and regulatory bodies. We provide clear, detailed, and defensible valuations that stand up to scrutiny.

      Confidentiality and Integrity: We handle all client information with the utmost confidentiality and integrity. You can trust us to deliver unbiased valuations that reflect the true potential of your startup.



      Navigating the Complexities of Divorce with Accurate Business Valuations

      Divorce is a challenging and emotionally charged process, especially when it involves the division of business assets. At November Partner Valuations, we provide expert divorce valuation services to help you understand the true worth of your business and facilitate fair and equitable settlements.

      Understanding Divorce Valuation: In divorce proceedings, the valuation of business assets is crucial for ensuring an equitable division of property. Our divorce valuation services are designed to provide a clear and accurate assessment of your business’s value, considering both tangible and intangible assets. We work closely with legal professionals to deliver valuations that meet the highest standards of accuracy and reliability.

      How We Can Help

      Fair Division of Assets: Our valuations provide a clear understanding of the business’s worth, facilitating a fair and equitable division of assets between parties. This helps to avoid disputes and reach a mutually agreeable settlement.

      Expert Testimony: In cases where a dispute arises, our experts can provide credible and defensible testimony in court. We present our findings clearly and concisely, helping the court understand the valuation and its implications.

      Financial Planning: Understanding the value of your business is crucial for post-divorce financial planning. Our valuations provide a solid foundation for making informed decisions about your financial future.

      Why Choose November Partners Valuations?

      Expertise in Divorce Valuation: Our team has extensive experience in valuing businesses for divorce proceedings. We understand the unique challenges and sensitivities involved and provide valuations that are fair, accurate, and defensible in court.

      Comprehensive and Detailed Reports: We provide detailed valuation reports that include a thorough analysis of the business’s financial statements, market conditions, and future earnings potential. Our reports are designed to withstand scrutiny from legal professionals and the court.

      Confidentiality and Sensitivity: We recognise the sensitive nature of divorce proceedings and handle all client information with the utmost confidentiality and care. You can trust us to deliver unbiased valuations with integrity and discretion.

      Collaborative Approach:We work closely with your legal team to ensure that our valuation aligns with the legal requirements and objectives of your case. Our collaborative approach ensures that all relevant information is considered and that the valuation process is as smooth as possible.



      Ensuring Accurate and Compliant Business Valuations for Tax Needs

      Navigating the complexities of tax regulations can be challenging for any business. At November Partners Valuations, we provide precise and compliant business valuation services to meet various tax requirements. Our expert valuations help you fulfil your tax obligations accurately, ensuring compliance with the HMRC and other tax authorities.

      Why Business Valuation for Tax Purposes is Crucial

      Accurate business valuations are essential for various tax-related purposes, including estate planning, gifting, charitable contributions, and corporate restructuring. Incorrect valuations can lead to significant tax penalties and legal issues. Our valuation services ensure that you meet all tax requirements with precision and confidence.

      Key Tax-Related Valuation Services

      Estate and Gift Tax Valuations: When transferring business ownership through estate planning or gifting, it’s crucial to have an accurate valuation to determine the fair market value of the business interest. Our services include:

      • Estate Tax Valuations: Valuing business interests for estate tax filings to ensure compliance and optimize tax liabilities.
      • Gift Tax Valuations: Providing accurate valuations for gifting purposes, including family transfers and charitable donations.

      Charitable Contributions: If you are donating a business interest to a charitable organisation, an accurate valuation is necessary for tax deduction purposes. We provide valuations that meet the HMRC standards and help maximize your charitable tax deductions.

      Tax Compliance for Mergers and Acquisitions: During mergers and acquisitions, it is essential to allocate the purchase price correctly among the acquired assets for tax reporting purposes. Our services include:

      • Purchase Price Allocation (PPA): Ensuring the correct allocation of the purchase price to tangible and intangible assets in compliance with tax regulations.
      • Goodwill and Intangible Asset Valuation: Valuing intangible assets such as goodwill, trademarks, and patents for accurate tax reporting.

      Corporate Restructuring and Reorganisations: Business restructurings, including spin-offs, mergers, and acquisitions, require detailed valuations to ensure tax compliance. Our services include:

      • Valuation of Spin-offs and Split-offs: Providing valuations for corporate restructurings to comply with tax regulations.
      • Reorganisation Valuations: Valuing assets and business units involved in reorganisations for accurate tax reporting.

        How We Can Help

        CGT Compliance: Our valuations provide the accurate information needed to calculate capital gains tax liabilities, helping you comply with HMRC requirements and avoid penalties.

        IHT Planning and Compliance: We provide valuations that support effective estate planning, helping to minimise IHT liabilities and ensure compliance with tax regulations.

        Gifting and Relief Strategies: Accurate valuations are essential for implementing gifting strategies and maximizing tax benefits. We provide the valuations needed to support your plans and secure available reliefs and exemptions.

        Estate Administration: Our valuations assist executors and administrators in valuing business interests as part of an estate, ensuring accurate IHT calculations and smooth estate administration.

        Charitable Contributions: We help you maximize your charitable tax deductions by providing accurate and HMRC compliant valuations for donated business interests.

        Corporate Transactions: Whether you’re involved in a merger, acquisition, or corporate restructuring, our valuations ensure accurate tax reporting and compliance, helping you avoid costly penalties.

        Why Choose us?

        Expertise in UK Tax Valuations: Our team has extensive experience in providing valuations for CGT and IHT purposes in the UK. We understand the intricacies of HMRC regulations and ensure our valuations meet the highest standards of accuracy and compliance.

        Comprehensive and Detailed Reports: Our valuation reports are thorough and detailed, designed to meet the requirements of the HMRC and other tax authorities. We provide clear and concise documentation to support our valuation conclusions.

        Confidentiality and Integrity: We handle all client information with the utmost confidentiality and integrity. You can trust us to deliver unbiased and accurate valuations that reflect the true value of your business.

        Collaborative Approach: We work closely with your tax advisors and legal team to ensure that our valuations align with your tax planning strategies and objectives. Our collaborative approach ensures that all relevant information is considered and that the valuation process is seamless.

        Our Workflow and Valuation Process


        Initial Consultation

        We begin with a consultation to understand your specific tax-related valuation needs and gather preliminary information about the business.


        Data Collection

        We collect and analyze financial statements, tax returns, business plans, and other relevant documents.


        Valuation Analysis

        Using appropriate valuation methodologies, we conduct a thorough analysis to determine the business’s value.


        Report Preparation

        We prepare a detailed valuation report, explaining our findings and the methodologies used.

        Timeline: Depending on the urgency and complexity of the assignment, we anticipate our workflow and valuation process steps 1 to 4, to take from 4 to 10 working days, to issue a draft report.
